Monday, September 6, 2021

Bardstown Museum Row


Bardstown, KY is steeped in history. Nearly everything about this town has roots in the past. The citizens of Bardstown also have roots in the past, and this is evident in the items on display at the Bardstown Museum Row. This is a four-part, two locations, museum of the past, and a lot of the items on display have been loaned, or donated by the citizens of Bardstown and it’s surrounding areas. The four parts of the museum include ‘Civil War Museum, Western Theater’; ‘Museum of Women in the Civil War’; ‘General Hal Moore Military Museum’; & ‘Old Bardstown Colonial Village.’

The tickets for all of this was one price for all four, and the tickets were good for two days, just in case you couldn’t take all of it in with one day. We managed to see most of it in one day. It is all well done and there is so much to see that you must keep reminding yourself that you are in small town Bardstown.

The Union Soldiers were dressed basically the same, as it was usually the Army (or service) that furnished the uniforms. The Confederate uniforms were all different, especially the Officer's Uniforms. They were all made at home and sent with the soldiers. Enlisted soldiers were usually some shade of gray, usually wool. Can you imagine how ichy and hot those uniforms were? The Officer's were more garish, different colors and designs, most had lots of buttons and garnish, at least in the beginning.

Flash photography wasn't allowed, and the lighting was low, so some of these pictures are dark.
Medical tools of the trade

Bugles and drums

There were only two small rooms dedicated to Museum of Women in the Civil War and Phil took only two pictures.

The balance of this is the Military History Museum. This museum occupies Bardstown's old Opera House. General Moore, a Bardstown native, was made famous by the book and film 'We were Soldier's, Once and Young' with Mel Gibson. General Moore's personal military gear and artifacts from his youth, West Point, Korea, Vietnam and his later years are on view in a large special display. Many other exhibits from the American Revolution through the current conflicts may also be viewed in this museum.



Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...