Monday, May 23, 2022

 The Taylor's are on the road again!!


We left home today to sunny skies and warm weather.


Our first leg is to southern Louisiana to visit with my brother, Steve and his partner, Monique. Had a good visit, played some cards and just hung out.



We moved a short distance to Poche’s RV Park for the SMART Cajun’s Y’all Come Muster. It was good to see old friends again! Phil got his fair share of crawfish and fried catfish. Not exactly on his post heart attack diet, but he has been careful otherwise.



We left Poche’s and we are finally heading west towards California. We spent the night in East Houston at Eastlake RV Resort. This is a nice park, big pond in the middle of it and we got a site overlooking the pond. No ducks, geese, or any other water birds, seems a little strange.



Left Eastlake early, heading for San Antonio to visit with friends Jim & Theda. Had a great visit, ate out a few times and played some cards.

Their new place is really nice and the access to the RV is wonderful!! It’s undercover and right next to the house! We should all be so lucky!


We are camped at Lost Resort, which is really close to Jim & Theda’s, but really out in the boonies, it is aptly named, we thought we were lost before we finally found it.

Our Campsite

The front entrance gate to the campground


We left San Antonio this morning heading west on the 10, we stopped in Ozono, TX, nice little RV park just off the interstate, Encino RV Park, and only $30 for a 50-amp full hookup site. So far, fuel is averaging about $5.499/gal

Had some excitement tonight, a small storm cell came right through the park, lots of lightening, rain, and pea sized hail. Lasted about 20 minutes but seemed like an hour. I was sure the windows were going to break, as hard as the hail was hitting. Was very glad when the storm traveled on!!


Was anxious to check outside this morning to see what the damage was. Surprisingly, there was none! That was a nice surprise!!

We left Ozonia this morning and continued to head west on 10. Traveled through the hill country, a lot more interesting than most of 10 through Texas. Had a little drizzle this morning, but then the sun came out, but the heat is cranking up, supposed to be 100 tomorrow.

Tonight, we are in a town called Balmorhea and we are camped at the Saddleback RV Park. Another full hookup 50-amp site for only $20 for the night.

Our site for the night, didn't even have to unhook

The front porch of the club house

 Flora & fauna of the Texas desert

Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...