Friday, September 13, 2013

GPS takes us to the men's colony

August 25, 2013

Another travel day, drove down the 101 to San Luis Obispo. We had reservations at the SLO Army Base FamCamp. It was a beautiful day, although a little on the warm side, but things were going well until we were within about 3 miles of the base.

We were of course following the instructions of our GPS, which I think needs to be taken in for a complete overhaul!!  We are driving down the road, I have the written instructions in my hand that say we should take a left in a couple of miles. The GPS pops up with “turn right in 450’” so Phil turns right. I look to my left and there is a sign that says ‘California Men’s Penal Colony’, meanwhile the GPS has said that we need to take a left turn and Phil does so. Now we are at the end of this road and there is a barricade across the road and we are frantically looking for some way to turn this 56’ of truck and trailer around and get the heck out of there. We found a lot big enough to turn it around…at last…and we are just about out of there and up pops the security guard!! He wants to know what we are doing and why we are there, so we explain the whole GPS thing and he says it happens all the time and tells us how to get to the base. So embarrassing!!

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