Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday, Memorial Day, May 25, 2015

Had a pretty lazy day yesterday, did some wash...whoopee!!

Today, however, we managed to get our act together and get out of the trailer. Made a big difference that the sun was shinning today, whereas yesterday it rained on and off. 

Our destination today was the Remington Nature Center, located on the banks of the (very full) Missouri River.

The Center is surrounded by park land, which includes walking and biking trails, natural ponds with native Missouri turtles in them. There is also a large tank under the building (notice it is on stilts for flooding protection), to catch and recycle rain water.

Shot to the right shows just how full the Missouri river is right now. The ground is soggy, no place for it to go, but into the rivers and streams. More rain coming up from Texas tonight.

This giant Woolly Mammoth greets us as we walk into the Remington Nature Center, he really is huge!!

 This is a live bird display inside the  Remington Center. I don't think I have ever seen such colorful birds before.

Aren't they stunning???

In addition to these lovely birds, the center has displays of many of the mammals and reptiles that you will find in Missouri (with the help of taxidermy). You will also find an impressive display of the evolution of weapons as man and his tools progressed through the years.

Back at the campground, our last night in St Joe, we are in line for more rain and storms, hope our luck holds and that everything passes us by.

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