Monday, August 10, 2015

Trolley Tour of Anchorage, AK

July 28, 2015

Arrived in Anchorage yesterday afternoon, no rain!! Today we took the Trolley around the downtown area. We picked a good day for it, weather was great!

First point on our tour was the railroad memorial. Like most cities, the railroad played a big part in the success of Anchorage 
Snow City is a very popular cafe in the downtown area, they are open for breakfast and lunch. Reservations required!! We tried to eat here before going on the trolley, 2 hour wait without reservations. 
 Most popular high school mascot up here is the Eagle, then the bear.
Inside our trolley, the driver tells us of personal experiences during the 1964 earthquake 
 Earthquake park, this is where the ground fell 10-14 feet
 Forget the boats, on this lake the float planes get the docks
 Murals on the buildings depict life in Alaska
 Cool Moose!!
 Flower gardens everywhere, must be a very active Master Gardeners group up here!!
 The Log Cabin Visitor's Center, downtown Anchorage, complete with sod roof!
 Front of the Visitor's center, flowers everywhere!!
 Anchorage celebrates it's anniversary this year
 More flowers surround the distance sign post
 Inside the Visitor's Center
 Cyrus and his family own and operate the trolley, and he is a jack of all trades. He can be seen cleaning the windows, selling tickets and assisting passengers
 We added the Anchorage Hard Rock Cafe to our list of  stores visited
 Hugging up on the 'Bear and the Raven' in Bear Square
 We rubbed his belly, our good luck was just being here in Alaska to begin with!!

Phil was here too!!

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