Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27, 2018 Newburyport, MA

May 27, 2018

After a whole night of rain, and more rain, we woke to dark clouds and the threat of more rain. But, we decided to get out and see some sights anyway.

Not long ago, Phil had read an article somewhere about a memorial to the Coast Guard in Newburyport, MA. Our campground at Tuxbury Pond isn’t far from there, so we decided to visit.

Our Campsite at Tuxbury Pond Campground

At the last minute we decided to take our jackets as the breeze was cold.  LOL!! The breeze at the campground was nothing like the winds coming off the ocean at Newburyport!! Even Phil said he was glad he had brought his jacket!! Mark the calendar!

We found a lot to park the truck in and took off walking along the boardwalk next to the bay. Did I mention COLD wind?? Made my ears hurt!!

The town was having a food fest with food from around the world set up all over the square. So, there were people everywhere, in spite of the cold wind.

We spent some time in the big junktique store, which had some interesting stuff in it, the normal amount of junk and some real antiques.

Coast Guard Monument

Fishing Monument

Oldies Marketplace...Junktique

 Inside the Oldies Marketplace

We walked most of the downtown main street and we were just amazed at the time and effort it must have taken to bring this town back from the brink of decay in the 70’s to a lovely town full of old renovated buildings that have nice shops and a variety of eateries. We spent a long time in the Old Custom House, which is now the Maritime Museum. They have done a good job renovating this building, but left the old tile floors that show where the traffic pattern was and are cracked from the heavy weights that went through the custom house. It made it more real.

The organization of the Coast Guard and how it became what it is today

Newburyport, MA

The Coast Guard Room at the Maritime Museum

USS Coast Guard Cutter "Eagle". She is a current ship in the fleet, students at the CG Academy spend part of their time learning how to sail it.

They had one room committed to the Coast Guard, it’s history and it’s current missions. It is very nicely done.

We finally started back to the truck, a couple of blocks away, and Phil found the other Coast Guard Memorial that brought us here, about 50 yards from where the truck was parked, in the opposite direction from the way we went. But, at least he found it!!


On the way out of town, we stopped at the old chain draw bridge, I found it amazing that it’s still there!


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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...