Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer 2014 continued

Thursday, June 5, 2014

There are three main attractions at Lookout Mountain; the mountain itself, the Incline Railcar and Ruby Falls. The Falls is probably the most popular of the attractions at the Mountain.

One of the things I noticed right away was that the formations were all broken, even high up on the ceiling. This happened during The Depression, when the tour guides would break off the formations and sell the onyx to help support their families. The other thing I noticed is that visitor’s are encouraged to touch, something you would never find in a non-commercial cave and I found that a little sad. 

There was one way in and back out, and of course for tall people, the ceilings were a little low most of the way. We had a tour guide who was somewhat knowledgeable, but very much full of himself.

The Falls were beautiful and natural, at 1120’ below the surface of the Mountain, the falls are 145’ high, and displayed with natural light and a laser show of lights.

As far underground as we were, I really expected it to be cool, but because of the falls, the humidity level was at 100%, add exertion to that and I was way overheated before we were done.


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