Monday, June 15, 2015


We arrived in Great Falls on June 10th, to get things ready for the Caravan. We have been keeping busy, checking people in as the early birds arrive.

We took the day off today and went exploring with our tail gunners, Tom and Sandy. We decided to go see some of the falls that Great Falls was named for. The directions for the falls had us going north of town for about 5 miles until we saw the sign for the Ryan Dam. In actuality it was closer to 9 miles until we finally found the turn off for the dam. Then another 4-5 miles of dirt road before we came to the dam. 

We did find it though, it appears that this location is a popular place for a picnic. In order to get across to the island we had to walk across a swinging bridge, it had a sign at the entry that no more than six people were allowed on the bridge at one time. Even with only one other person on the bridge it rocked and swayed. Very weird feeling, and not one I liked.

Once across the bridge we strolled around the perimeter until the falls came into view, they are beautiful. At the base of the falls where the water was calm there were lots of tiny little birds feeding on something along the shore. The little babies looked to be about 2" tall, it was very hard to get a picture of them as they didn't stay still more than a few seconds. Phil had to really zoom the camera to get them at all.
 From the dam we went back into town and stopped at the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center where they had some really nice displays about the journey of the Corps of Discovery


 Before going to dinner we stopped at the Great Falls Veteran's Memorial.

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