Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 7, 2015

After a relaxing morning, we back tracked a little, heading east on I-90 to a National Monument Site called Pompeys Pillar. The pillar was named by William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Clark named the pillar after the son of Sacagawea, who Clark had nicknamed Pomp, which means "Little Chief" in Shoshoni. When Clark's journals were edited in 1814 the name was changed to Pompeys Pillar, as it is know today.

William Clark scratched his name into the sandstone of the rock and dated it July 25th, 1806.

Phil took a tour of the pillar and climbed the 200+ stairs to the top while I stayed in the air conditioned visitors center. He got some really good pictures of the Yellowstone River (which is also very full and running very fast).



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