Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cruising the Fjordland National Park and Fox Island

August 3, 2015

Another perfect day for a cruise, this time out of Seward, AK to the Fjordland National Park, with dinner at Fox Island.
Saw this little guy on the way out of Seward  today

Puffins nesting on the rocks and in the grass on one of the many islands included in the park

 Puffins aren't the only birds nesting in the rocks
 Glaciers, wind and rain all leave their marks on the rocks of the

 We crossed paths with a pod of Orca Whales
We crossed paths with a pod of Orca Whales. Mom and Baby swim side by side
 Finally, we have a breach, looks like the baby making contact with it's mom
 A group of Sea Lions enjoy the warm sunshine
This looks like a really long Sea Lion, but it's actually two, laying end to end

 We are approaching Aiken Glacier, which is the one in the center, closest to the water. All of these glaciers use to be one bigger glacier, but they are melting quickly.

We must first travel through the ice field to get to the glacier 
Aiken Glacier 

This glacier was making a lot of noise, cracking and popping as it calved in little pieces all along it's front. 

 Calving Glaciers, another item crossed off of our bucket list! This trip took care of a lot of our bucket list items!!
 The ice of the glacier takes on many strange shapes as wind and rain carve the ice, along with the help of the ice just breaking away.
When you are up close to a glacier, it seems to generate it's own wind, and that wind is cold straight off of the glacier. Doesn't seem to bother these Sea Lions though.

To put the size of this glacier into perspective, this boat is about the same size as ours, maybe a little smaller, but compared to the wall of the glacier, it is really small!
 Phil drops ashes from his twin sister, Joyce and our daughter BJ into the water of the glacier
A small pod of blue fin whales crossed our path 
 Approaching our dinner destination, Fox Island.

We had a buffet of prime rib, roasted potatoes, salmon (of course), mixed veggies, rolls and desert

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