Friday, September 18, 2015

Dease Lake and the Northern Lights

 August 25, 2015

Dease Lake was just a stop over, not really much to see. But at 3:00 am we got a knock on the door by one of our ladies who is up often during the night, Jean, and she always looked to see if we had Northern Lights. Tonight we did, at almost the end of the caravan, we finally saw them! They were AMAZING!!!!!! These pictures were taken by another of our special ladies, Sue McCord, her camera was much
  better suited for taking these pictures than ours was. These photos don't really need any commentary, they speak for themselves. Even though these pictures are really good, they still don't do justice to the reality. Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm sure it was a shocker to be woken at 3 am, but so worth it. We did miss those on our trip. Very nice photos.


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