Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hazelton, BC

September 5, 2015

Today we met friends Terri and Pat (Pat was in the CG with Phil). They came down from Ketchican, AK to meet up with us for about 10 days, and will travel with us as we head to Vancouver, BC We met them for breakfast, then decided to tour a little bit of Hazelton,  This is the town north of Smithers. A large portion of Hazelton is land owned by the KSAN First Nation Peoples.
You can see the First Nation influence in the designs painted on the buildings, and the totem poles scattered throughout the town.

 The totem pole below as fallen. It has been supported by the piece of metal that is laying down in the picture to the left. Whatever caused this pole to fall was strong enough to make that solid steel pole bend at the base.

You can see the backs of the poles in this picture. Those steel poles are embedded in concrete.
Downtown Hazelton...deserted, most all of the shops are closed. It's a Saturday and tourist season isn't quite over yet.

We finally found this little Tea Shop open and she told us that it was the last Saturday before school starts, so everyone with kids is up in Prince George buying supplies and clothes for school.
We kind of stumbled upon this little KSAN village when we went to check out the RV park attached to it.
Great examples of Indian Art on the buildings

Authentic Totem Poles and great example of art on this building.
Views of the river from the village, Terri standing below

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