Saturday, October 10, 2015

Vancouver Aquarium, Vancouver, BC

 September 11, 2015

We arrived at Pacific Border RV Park yesterday afternoon,  Pat and Terri went on to their motel. After four days of pretty steady driving, we took some down time last night, then Pat and Terri picked us up this morning. Our destination is the Vancouver Aquarium...way on the west side of town.
 We are always fascinated with the engineering of bridges, you might have noticed a few pictures. This one goes over the Fraser River.
 The sky scrappers of Vancouver are mostly condos. Unlike most big cities, the business core of Vancouver still seems to be located downtown, so I'm guessing a large portion of these condos are owned by people who work there.
 Finally, we arrive at the Vancouver Aquarium, another attraction we never seem to tire of.
 The aquarium is also a learning and research center, and it houses many beautiful sea critters, as well as some strange.
 A very large eel
 This blue eyed frog was one of many on display, and even though the frogs were all behind glass, we could hear some of them croaking.
 These colorful members of the Jelly Fish family are always fascinating to watch
 This is Chuck, one of the newer rescues they have at the aquarium. He is very social, loves having his belly rubbed and doesn't even mind having his teeth cleaned by one of his attendants.

 This little sea otter is strapped into some sort of  float and his right paw seems to be strapped to keep it immobile, so he must have injured it in some way.
 Junk of the sea, most of which comes off of fishing boats
 A Jelly Fish of a different breed. Watching these little guys float around in this display kind of reminded me of a lava lamp.
 Fish from the tropics are always pretty and colorful
 I found Nemo!!!!

The creature below is another member of the Jelly Fish family (I think), but whatever it is, it is very strange looking!!

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