Sunday, June 2, 2019

We visit Wall Drug

June 1, 2019

Here we are, finally into June, just 15 days til the caravan starts. I think we are ready, I always have doubts about what I might have missed, goes with the territory I guess.

Today we visited Wall Drug. This store covers all of one large block and consists of many shops under the one roof. Most of it is designed in an old west theme, and is a destination all of it's own.  It even has a soda fountain and a cafe, where for a nickle, a Veteran can get a cup of coffee and a donut, I had to pay for mine. Since we were here in 2002, they have added on "out back" where there is a western art gallery and some more shops.

T'his place really did start as a Pharmacy/Drug store

There are five different entrances

You can see where the tourists are headed
The main hall way, the hardest part is trying to figure out which way to go, what store to go in first.
The Badlands in stained glass
Metal work, this store had lot's of pretties, but we didn't buy anything, don't have an empty wall in the house to put anything on.
Pretty door
They actually still have a drug store in here
This "lady" isn't real
Which way to go??

They even have a chapel for the weary traveler!
Even some antiquities

Phil thought this was hilarious!

This has been around for quite awhile, but still means something today!

Phil took this for my brother, Steve


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