Friday, May 28, 2021


May 25, 2021


The last of Mr. Wright’s houses in this area is Kentuck Knob, designed for the Hagan family after they purchased 79 acres in the mountains above Uniontown in PA. Not far from where their friends lived in “Falling Waters”. When their friend heard they wanted to commission Mr. Wright to design their house, he advised them to set their budget, then tell Mr. Wright that their budget was half of that, because he would go over, no doubt. When Mrs Hagan told Mr. Wright that she wanted a linen closet in the bedroom, rather than compromise his design, he simply added it to the available space, near the doorway into the hall, making the doorway half the size it would have been. According to our guide, it was difficult to get a contractor to build the house, once they found out it was designed by Mr. Wright. Once they found a contractor, they had to pay for a translator to be on site daily so that Mr. Wright could communicate with them when he visited the site, which was reported to be ‘often’.


The interior is typical of Mr. Wright’s design, the front windows are high and narrow, with wood inlayed over them for privacy. The back of the house is floor to ceiling glass over looking a forested area.


Kentuck Knob tours start and end at a visitor’s center where they sell all things Frank Lloyd Wright. Outside are interesting bird houses, on high poles like Martin Houses. Didn’t see any activity in them.

Kentuck Knob, again, can only take pictures of the outside

These are the windows at the front of the house

Kentuck Knob's version of Falling Waters, this was done after the initial construction


After leaving Kentuck Knob, we stopped at Ohiopyle Falls, located in the little burb of Ohiopyle, which is there simply because of the falls and the rafting businesses that have popped up there.  The falls are not tall, but there is the roar of fast moving water as it travels over the rocks and down the 6-8’ of the falls.

We drove through Ohiopyle on our way in on Saturday to Jellystone. There were hundreds of people wandering around this little place then. It was pretty quiet when we stopped on Tuesday afternoon.

When we got back to Jellystone, the guys just had to check out this 'ride' they had for the guests

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