Thursday, June 6, 2013

Billings, Montana

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It’s been a hectic few days!! Phil tried to find someone to replace the springs on the trailer, but everyone was to busy, so he ended up doing it himself, with John’s help. I guess it was a good thing they had to get under there and have a good look, as they found 5 welds that had cracks in them, fortunately, he did find someone to come out and fix the welds.

Otherwise, we have spent the last couple of days shopping, seems that we all needed a bunch of different things, requiring stops at several different stores. Hopefully we have purchased most everything we will need!
Last night we met friends, Connie and Eric Johnson, at the Billings Petroleum Club for dinner. The club is on the 22nd floor of the Crown Plaza and boy what a view!! Billings is nearly surrounded by bluffs, giving it a dramatic feeling. Most of the bluffs have been carved by the Yellowstone River. Our dinner table was right next to a window, facing west, so we had a bird’s eye view of a very lovely sunset. Tonight we are going to Eric and Connie’s house for dinner.

Fran got her eye injection today, and seems to have come through that with flying colors.

Tomorrow we head for Butte, where we will spend the week end.

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