Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crossing into Canada

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Today we traveled from Kalispell, MT to Ft Steele, BC, Canada. When John and Fran went through the border last year going into Canada, they got stopped and inspected; plants, liquor and wine were confiscated because they were over the limit. So, we have all been stressing about the amount of wine we had.

When we got to the border today, the guys were just going to tell the agent how much they had and pay the duty on it. We went through the line first, the guy looks at our passports and ID, they ask us when the last time we came into Canada was, we answered, and then he wanted to know if we had any weapons. Phil said no, and the guy says not even a .45 under the seat? Phil says no again, so the guy says ok, you can go. Whew! One down, one to go. John pulls up and the guy ask him the same type of questions, but instead of the under the seat question, he says to John, “Not even a little, itsy bitsy gun??” It took everything John and Fran had not to bust out laughing!! But, the guy let them go, and no questions about alcohol, pets or plants.

Tonight we are camped at the Fort Steele RV Park, just up from Cranbrook, BC. We have a couple of nights here, so this afternoon, we just relaxed, and took a nap.

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