Monday, May 20, 2019

Our time in Little Rock

May 19, 2019

We spent two nights at the Burns Park campground, then moved over to the North Little Rock Riverside Park. The only real downside to Burns Park is that there is no sewer and long stays are difficult with no sewer.

We did many trips to and from the "house" dropping off things we wouldn't need for the Alaska trip and picking up everything we would need to take with us. The back seat of the truck is now full of books, jackets, totes, etc.

We met with friends, Rick & Jennifer several times as they we accepting special deliveries from various companies for us. One of which was a new satellite system that mounts to the roof of the rig. Phil & Rick spent one morning installing that, so we now have one touch Dish reception that finds the satellites automatically. So great full for Phil's ability to do this kind of thing himself, saving us hundreds of dollars on installation fees. Supposedly, with this system, and the satellites it focuses on, we are going to be able to get TV reception while we are in Alaska. That would be nice, but remains to be seen!

Between us, we saw 5 doctors while we were 'home'. One was a followup with my eye surgeon. I was having some problems and thought the eye might be infected, but it turned out to be some scar tissue that was irritating the eye and causing it to become red and inflamed. He deadened the eye and removed it, gave me some drops and sent me on my way. My eyes are getting better at focusing, and he seems to be impressed with the progress. We will look at it again when we return in the fall.

Sunday, 5/19, was the big day that we came back home for. Granddaughter and step-Granddaughter's high school graduation. It was a bit of an emotional day for me, this is our youngest grandchild and to have it hit home that she is now considered an adult and will be forging her own life, her own way in this world. It made me reflect on her life and my part in it. I'd like to think that Phil and I were a good influence on her while she was growing up. Congratulations on your accomplishment Quinn and Carson! We are proud of you!! Following are some Graduation highlights:
Carson, our step-granddaughter. Carson goes to Arkansas National Guard boot camp in August and will enroll in Jr College when she gets home.
Granddaughter, Quinn, will join us on the Alaska Caravan, then join Carson at Jr College.

Quinn with diploma

Carson waits her turn to get hers

After the graduation we all met at the elementary school where Daughter in law, Jennefer teaches art, for a catered BBQ dinner and a meeting of the families
The whole group

Carson and her Grandmother  Mittie
Grandmother, Carson and her Uncle Mark

Jennefer joins the picture
Jennefer, Mittie & Danny, Mark, Tucker (Jennefer's youngest) and Carson
Quinn's special friend, Allysa
Carson gets her diploma
Quinn gets her diploma

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