Sunday, August 11, 2019

Independence Day, 2019

July 4, 2019

One of the reasons we plan the caravan so that we are in Skagway on July 4th is so that we can participate in the parade. Everyone always has a great time, decorating the 'floats' and then walking/riding in the parade, throwing candy to the kids. Showing their pride in their service to their country.

After the parade, we had BBQ burgers with all the fixings, it was a great day all the way around.

 Getting ready to start the parade

 The staging area is down by the harbor, notice the cruise ships
A few rode, but most walked

 A nice ending to our story

The Skagway city buses are called SMART!!
 Uncle Sam was there as well

 Back at the park, things are coming together for our burgers and fixings!!

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