Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Today was a huge disappointment!! It had been raining for two days straight and finally quit overnight, but the wind was blowing this morning. We had reservations for a whale watching tour and I love to watch the whales, so I was excited to go. We got down to the pier in good time and actually found a parking spot in a lot right next to the dock where the boat was. The water was calm in the little harbor and it seemed like the wind had died down.

 Wrong!!! We no sooner cleared the no wake zone and the wind started up again, enough that we had little white caps on the tops of the choppy water. This wasn’t looking good!!

 And it wasn’t! Not one whale, not even a blow spout!! We saw one large fish, the Capitan called it a Sunflower fish and said they like to eat jelly fish. Sounds like a fine diet for them!

Bummer of a day!! They did offer us a free tours anytime in the next year, which was nice of them, but fat lot of good it did us!!

A sculpture of a Whales Tail 
Our boat
One of the many McMansions along the harbor

This blurb under the water is the Sunflower Fish

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