Sunday, July 11, 2021

An interesting visit to a lighthouse


 Another Lighthouse viewing day. We started with Marshall Point Light in Port Clyde, ME. There is still a keepers house here that they have turned into a Lighthouse Museum.

The wind was really blowing today and after walking around a bit, I decided I wanted my jacket, my key was in my purse, in the truck, so I knew I would have to hunt Phil down, and with a camera in his hands, who knew how long I would freeze before I found him.

Strangely, he was standing by the truck. With a sort of stressed look on his face, he asked me if I had my key to the truck. That immediately sets off a bit of a panic! His answer to ‘why?’ is…”I locked the key in the truck”. Oh joy!! He has been trying to contact our tow service to send a locksmith out to open the truck, but…he can’t get enough cell service to make a connection. I look at my phone, which I do have, and I don’t have any service either. So, he goes into the museum to ask if he can use one of the volunteer phones. He found a kind soul who let him use his phone and Phil made contact with the tow service. Of course, they have no one listed for service in that area, she will have to do some searching to see if she can find anyone and will get back to us.

 At this point, it looks like we are going to be here a while, so I purchased a sweatshirt so that I would have some buffer against the wind. Meanwhile, back at the ranch….er, truck, Phil and Rick have put their heads together and come up with a plan to break into the truck. They are not professional car thieves, which is a good thing, so this maneuver will take more thought. One now has a pry bar in his hand and one has a metal coat hanger, obtained from someone inside the museum. The pry bar goes into the door and gets it open enough that the coat hanger can slide inside the door, I am on the other side of the truck, giving hand signals to them alerting to the direction they need to aim the coat hanger to the button that controls the door lock. Finally, we have success!! Yea!! Without further ado, we pack ourselves into the truck and make a hasty retreat out of the parking lot.

 About five miles down the road, we got a call from the lady at the tow service to tell us she was still looking. Phil informed her that we managed on our own to get it open and she could cancel the search. In case you are wondering, the truck now has a door key hidden in one of those little magnetic boxes, if this should ever happen again.

On the way to the lighthouse, we passed a small park adjacent to a fire station. That's where we found the knight and the dragon.

Lighthouse #2 for the day, Owls Head Light

The old keepers house, now the museum/gift shop

A long hike up the hill to the light, can you imagine carrying the supplies up that hill??

The view is certainly nice though

Lighthouse #3, Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

The view from this one was stunning!

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