Friday, July 30, 2021

Lubec, ME

July 6, 2021

 We moved to Lubec, ME today. When we made these reservations, we were hoping that the border to Canada would be open so that we could visit the Campabella International Park. This was Roosevelts summer home. But, nope, not open yet and with the Delta virus raging, who knows when that will happen. Lubec is where we finished the Maritime Caravan in 2018. Although the tides aren’t affected as drastically as in the Maritime, the water level does go down anywhere from 6-10 feet at low tide.

 We didn’t get to see the fireworks in Bar Harbor because they were rained out, well, so were the fireworks in Lubec. So, we got to watch them here tonight and the weather was perfect! We sat right outside of the rig and watched them go off over the bay. Perfect seats!!

These pictures loaded backwards again...grrrrr. Anyway, we saw this neat gate at a house on the way to the West Quaddy Lighthouse

West Quaddy Lighthouse, fog rolling in, fog horn making all kinds of noise!
Nita standing in the very most Eastern part of the U.S.

This is at the Lubec RV Park, the muddy looking part beyond the grass is at low tide, so you can see how much it goes down.

The campground is on the bay on two sides.

Our sites

This was at a lookout along the highway on the way to Lubec.

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