Monday, October 28, 2013

Golden, CO to Oakley, KS

September 16, 2013

Well the sun was shining this morning and we managed to get out of Golden. Interstate 70 was clear and traffic was light as a lot of businesses were closed due to the flooding.

We have dropped out of the mountains and back into the flat plains of eastern Colorado and Kansas, where you can see for miles and miles and miles!!

Tonight, we are in a campground in Oakley, KS that we have been in before, and swore we would not visit again, as there is a train track that runs a very loud and active train, about once an hour. Being old like we are, we forgot about our previous visit to the park and it’s train.

Not to worry, we have good drugs to put us to sleep and the C-pap machines to block out unwanted noises, so we are good.

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