Monday, October 28, 2013

Sept 29-Oct 3 Digging into Nita's Past...Linn County, MO

September 29, 2013

Today we headed a little north and east to Bevier, MO, in Macon County. We are staying at Shoemaker RV which is a dealership and RV Park. It is the closest full hookup park to Linn County, which is where we actually want to be. We are here so that I can do some research on my Baker line. A lot of the Baker’s migrated into Linn County from Kentucky.

September 30, 2013

We drove into Brookfield today, which is about 30 miles west of the RV Park on Highway 36. Our destination is the Historical Society to see if they have any information. When we walked into the building, it was like a “Wow” moment. One of the ladies ask  if she could help, I told her what I was looking for and her eyes got big and she told me she had a lot of research at home on the Baker family. She offered to go home and get it which was very sweet, so we waited while she went. The historical society has turned over all genealogical materials that they had to the library, they didn’t have the space.

My ‘Angel’ Elise, returned with 3 thick folders, one on the Bakers, one on the Mc Collums and one on the related families. I was stunned! These ladies are all volunteers and only work a morning or afternoon shift, and I walked in on the one day that Elise was working! There was so much information in these folders, there was no way I could absorb any of it while we were sitting in the museum. So, I got brave and ask her if she would consider letting us take them home and let Phil scan them into the computer. She hesitated for a bit, then said yes, we could take them. That was very brave of her, there was a lot of hours of research in those folders.

So, we left with her research with a promise to bring them back the next day. Phil spent about 3 hours scanning them into the computer.

October 1, 2013

We took the books back to Elise today, she invited us to her home, where she had more to show us! She had a whole room dedicated to her research materials. It was amazing!! She had a couple of shelves of books on the Bakers, so I told her that if there wasn’t anyone in her family that wanted those books, to please consider giving them to me, I would love to have them. She said she would check into it with her kids.
We had a wonderful couple of hours with her. Phil even fixed a drawer for her.

After our visit with Elise, we went over to the library to see what they had. We were a little disappointed with the library, they really didn’t have much.
October 2-3, 2013

Spent a couple of days absorbing the information that Elise had given me, mostly it made me really question what I have, so I’m gonna have to dig a little deeper.

Also did some wash and just relaxed.

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