Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oct 11-16...DRV Rally and back to Independence, MO

October 11, 2013

Today was basically a free day. We spent a couple of hours viewing a couple of new models of Mobile Suites that a dealership in Kansas had brought over. Some of the details were really nice, but we didn’t like the floor plans, or the fact that DRV is following in the footsteps of the motor homes and doing away with a separate dining table. Can’t play cards or have people over for dinner with these small tables. So we will stick with what we have for now.

Tonight was the potluck dinner and as usual at one of these affairs, it was all good and there was way to much!

Sat around in small groups and visited after dinner.

October 12, 2013

Another free day, did some wash and cleaned the rig a little.

Tonight we had a cook out, and finished off some of the left overs from last nights potluck. We ate early because we all had tickets to the musical performance at the Theatre.

There is a regular band that performs every Saturday, and they had a couple of guest performers. It was a wonderful performance; the band was extremely good, as were the guests. The show started at 7:30 and we didn’t get out of there until about 10:30 and they only took one break. I would highly recommend this park and the show!!

October 13 - 16, 2013

The rally over, we headed back to Independence to revisit the library, as we didn’t feel we had completed our search. We had thought about seeing some of the other sites, but the national park was closed due to the government shutdown, so the library won out. All I found was holes in my Baker line that are going to take hours to research out and fix. Near the campground is a most unusual Christ King Church, kind of pretty in it’s own way, but sort of looks like a giant lightening rod. This church is surrounded on all sides by various buildings of a Mormon Church.

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Port Orford, OR

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