Friday, October 4, 2013

On the road through western Utah

September 12, 2013

We left Las Vegas this morning heading to Richfield, Utah to visit with friends Al and Debby Higgs. The temp was about 72 when we left this morning, when we stopped for lunch it was a cool and wet 68, with rain as we headed over the summit (7180’). 

The mountains in eastern Nevada and western Utah (on I-15) are dramatic,
at every turn the colors in the soil and rock are different, and depending on the light (clouds or bright sunlight), the rocks reflect differently.

We arrived in Richfield around 3:00pm and parked in Al and Debby’s driveway. We hadn’t seen them in a long while, so we had a lot of catching up to do. Debby had recently taken up knitting, so we talked a lot about that. They took us out for Mexican food (really good). It’s always great to visit old friends along the way!!

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