Friday, June 11, 2021




Phil and I traveled alone today, as Rick & Jennifer left yesterday so that Rick could travel today.

 We had sunny weather and temps were in the low 70’s when we arrived, Traffic was horrid all the way up.

 We are now in an area where we have to be really careful of what kind of road we are on. If we aren’t on a turnpike or interstate, then we had better be on an Express Way!  Anything else and we would be in danger of running into a low overpass…literally! When out in the truck we took a parkway back to the campground and found that most of the overpasses are made of stone and in the shape of half circles. The low end of that half circle was anywhere between 10’ and 12’, with the middle between 12’ & 14’, our rig is 13’ 4

The campsites here are deep enough for the length of our rig, but there are so many trees that aren’t trimmed enough and hang down so that we really had to maneuver to miss some big limbs hanging low. But, we got it in there. Rick and Jenn’s site was two down. We didn’t really have any plans while here other than to just visit the little towns close by.

 Rain kept us in the first couple of days, then Phil, Jenn and I went for a drive around the area for a bit. Ended up having lunch at one of those little diners like you see on TV. Food was good though. After lunch we went to the grocery store and ran a couple of other errands. No supercenters here, you want groceries, you go to the grocery store, you want hardware or tools, you go to the hardware store.

Phil did manage to find an old run down lighthouse to take some pictures of, there is a bunch of construction around it, and it appears that they are building right up to where the lighthouse is and then making it a green area or common for the condo’s that are being built all over the area.


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