Sunday, June 27, 2021

Cape Ann, MA



We traveled to Cape Ann Campground, MA. It rained off and on all day. Phil and Rick took off for town to do some shopping.




Today was supposed to be a day of driving around the coast of upper Cape Ann, but it turned out to be a little frustrating. Seems that all available space between the main highway and the water is built up with McMansions and they don’t want the tourists to drive down their roads. So, everywhere the GPS tells us to turn to get to a lighthouse, there are big signs up telling us that it is a Private Road, Dead End, No Turn Around. It certainly wasn’t one of our more fun days.

We finally found water, and a view of lighthouses on an island off shore

These are fondly known as the Twins, two lighthouses on the same island, and not very far away from each other

This is our campground while at Cape Ann, there is only one or two others on the Cape.

This is the marsh across the street from the campground. When the tide goes out, it is a wet grass land

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