Sunday, August 1, 2021

Whale watching cruise in Eastport, ME, East Quoddy Lighthouse

 July 7, 2021

 Since the whale watching cruise we took in Kennebunkport was such a bust, we decided to try one more time. So, we drove over to Eastport, ME (which is actually about 15 min away by boat, but we don’t have one, so we had to drive about 45 minutes to get there). Not knowing exactly how long it would take us, or what the parking would be like, we left a little early. Turned out we had lots of time to kill before the cruise, so we walked through the shopping district. Not very many stores open, but there we a few. We ended up eating our packed picnic lunch sitting on a curb, the picnic tables set up next to the cruise office had chiggers crawling all over them…yuk!!!

 Turns out, our cruise boat is a larger lobster boat with benches added in the back. And we did see whales, or a whale, as I’m not convinced that we didn’t chase the same whale all over the bay. This was a Minke Whale, one of the smallest of the whale families.

We did see “Old Sow” the largest whirlpool in the Western Hemisphere, and a few smaller whirlpools. We cruised through Head Harbor Passage and saw the lighthouse know by the same name and also know by East Quoddy Lighthouse. This is in Canada, on Campobello Island.

 At the end of our cruise, the Capitan pulled a small lobster pot out of the water to show us how it was done. It had one small lobster in it, a couple of crabs and some baby starfish. Although it was an interesting cruise, I wouldn’t say that it held up to my expectations of a whale watching cruise.

It was a pretty day though and we got to see some things we wouldn’t have otherwise, so it wasn’t a completely wasted day.

Back home in Lubec, we have a very nice sunset!

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