Friday, August 9, 2013

Albany, Oegon, a Visit with Friends

August 3rd & 4th, 2013

On Saturday (8/3) we traveled down I-5 to Albany to visit with friends Jon and Nancy Katin. Jon and Nancy were the tailgunners on the Maritime Caravan we did last summer. Next summer they will be Wagon Masters of the same caravan, and they are working hard on the details. Promises to be a much nicer caravan than we had.

On Saturday Jon and Nancy made some of the best spareribs we have ever had! They have a new smoker/BBQ that had those ribs done in two hours and they were delicious! Phil was so impressed that he has bought one.

On Sunday they did Chicken on the same BBQ, it was delicious! Then they taught us how to play Mexican Train Dominoes. It was fun, for me anyway, cause I won!! We had tried to learn this once before and found it horribly confusing, Jon and Nancy cleared up a lot of the issues.

We had a great visit, but tomorrow we head to Crater Lake and the Katins are going to the FMCA Rally in Albany, long drive!!

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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...