Thursday, August 1, 2013

CG Reunion Lunch

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today was the big day for the Reunion with everyone gathering for lunch provided by the host and their committee. They had mounds of food and then some people added to it. We had deep fried fish and fries, pulled pork, burgers, hot dogs, with all the fixings, various kinds of salads, chips, dips, and deserts. No one went home hungry!!
The Coasties

They had really nice door prizes and then a separate raffle. Phil and I each bought $10.00 worth of raffle tickets and I think the tickets must have been stuck together because they called our numbers 4 times before we quit listening so someone else would have a chance to win something.

The lunch was held at one of the outdoor pavilions at the park where we were camped, so I decided I would walk back to the rig, Phil wasn’t through visiting and I was tired. Well, I certainly got my 10,000 steps in today, the pavilion was behind campground loop “O” in the south section of the park, we were in loop “H” in the north section of the park. Actually, probably only took me ½ hour to walk it, but it seemed longer! Thankfully, the weather was really nice, here on the coast the highs have been in the mid 70’s. Phil came back about 45 minutes after I got back, so I probably could have stuck it out and waited. Oh well.

This evening we went over to Bruce and Sharon Andrews’ campsite (and their daughter Katie), just around the corner from ours and shared their campfire for a couple of hours. We shared many conversations during this reunion so we got to know them a little better. Very nice people! They are both still working and live in the Seattle area.

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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...