Saturday, August 17, 2013

Diamond Lake Drive

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cloudy and overcast today with a forecast of dry thunderstorms, we did get a little rain and heard some thunder a couple of times, off in the distance, but nothing severe and the sun was shining by late this afternoon.

We stayed in this morning to make some reservations for our time in California. It just hit us today that Labor Day is just around the corner and we didn’t have a firm reservation for that week end. Oops!! For the first part of the week end we had to settle for plan B, but for the second half, we got away with plan A.

This afternoon we got out for a drive around Diamond Lake. It’s a small lake, only three miles long and not very wide.
It is surrounded by the Umpqua National Forest and the tree stand is thick, especially on the west side of the lake. It was a very pretty drive, but I wouldn’t want to live there, I think I would be paranoid of forest fires all the time. On the west side there was a list of homeowners, about 100 of them! They were very well hidden in the trees, with as few trees cut as possible. We only saw traces of a dozen or so.

The cell service up here in the mountains is terrible, can’t get enough service to do the blog, can only get it to stay up a little bit at a time and it’s hit and miss. We are leaving here on Friday and will hopefully be back into the cell service world!!

Friday, August 8, 2013

Woke to dark clouds today, it was cooler as well, only 50 outside. So I snuggled up in my chair and went back to sleep. It was closer to 10 when I woke and Phil was up, taking a shower. So, got up and made some breakfast. Went back to sleep after breakfast and slept off and on all day. I think I must be having a flare up, really fatigued!!

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