Friday, August 9, 2013

Smiley Family Cemetery Pictures

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I think we are suffering from burn out. We got up late, then slept most of the day away sitting in our chairs. Did a little wash…boring stuff!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Phil went out to the state park office to take in the disability form and our receipt from Ft Stevens, so they have reimbursed us part of our camping fees and we now have the state park pass so we will get a discount on any other park we may stay in this trip.

While Phil was out he looked up the cemetery where his grandparents are buried,
he found it and stopped and took some pictures.
This is the Smiley side of the family, which would be our last name if his dad hadn’t legally changed his name to Taylor when he was 21.

This afternoon we went to the Cascade Shopping Center where we found one of our favorite stores; IKEA!! We spent about 4 hours walking through there, love that place!!

The highlight of our visit to Portland is to be able to see good friends Judie and Grant Rand, who Phil was stationed with in the Coast Guard when he was at Coos Bay. Judie is recovering from a serious operation and Grant has been working 10 hours a day, but they found time to visit with us tonight. They picked us up and took us to dinner at Joe’s Crab Shack over on the Washington side of the River. The food was great and we sat and talked for hours! It was so great to see them and catch up. Judie and I chat back and forth frequently, but Phil and Grant don’t do that, so they had more catching up to do.

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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...