Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On the road to Redding, California

August 11, 2013

A down day for us, a day of rest!!

August 12, 2013

A travel day for us, on the way to Redding, CA. California is still on fire, smoke haze everywhere. So sad that there are so many of our precious trees on fire, it hurts my heart!

About half way to the town of Redding is a little mining town called Weed.
We have not traveled this road before, so I had never heard of Weed. There was a small shop with Weed T-Shirts, so we had to stop. Turns out that the back of the shop is a medical MJ pharmacy. We have seen a lot of these on this trip. In Canada they are much more obvious, there is a doctor on duty to check you out and write the script for you. The shop in Weed wasn’t as blatant.

We crossed the Sacramento River many times on our way to Redding; it’s full and running swiftly. Just south of Weed was Mt Shasta, at 14,162’, one of the tallest mountains in California. But between the cloud cover and smoke haze, its peaks were well hidden. 

My Grandparents spent many vacations at Lake Shasta,
just above Redding, and I also have many fond memories of going there with them. My Grandfather and I caught a nice string of bass there one time. I remember it as always being full of water, but when we went by it today we were shocked at how low it is. California has been hit hard by drought, but seeing Lake Shasta really made it hit home. It would have made my Grandfather really sad to see it.

For the next couple of days we are staying at the Redding RV Park. It is blazing hot, 95-100 predicted for the time we are here, but everyone keeps telling us it is a dry heat, like that is suppose to make us feel better about it. NOT!!

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