Friday, July 10, 2015

7/2/15 On the road from Whitehorse, YT to Skagway, AK


On the road to Skagway, AK from Whitehorse, YT

Emerald Lake, not far out of Whitehorse on the Alaskan Highway. The picture doesn't do it justice, and it was cloudy, but the name Emerald is because the water is a beautiful green.
A bumpy landscape of rocks around the Emerald Lake. Just on the other side of the ridge, the sun shines on more rocky slopes.
The changes in the weather patterns,  and insect infection is affecting the food sources for the wildlife, which changes the natural food chain as animals move from area to area trying to keep up with their food source.
 Whitehorse at the top of the map, Skagway at the bottom, and where we are is not quite half way through the day.
 A typical tourist trap, the false fronts have nothing behind them but the animal displays. This is Caribou Crossing (the picture is error)
 The sheep on the mountain above the buildings
were fake, but the state bird below is a reasonable likeness!!

 Well, come right out and say it...don't most people ignore most signs??? Like, doesn't apply to them, right???

STILL haven't see a real MOOSE!!!!!

Wood decked bridge...very noisy !!

Sure wish it hadn't been so cloudy, sure takes the color out of the lakes and rivers!!

No room for error here!!

What's a travel day without rain??

 Heavy fog is not a fun way to go down an 11% grade, but at the bottom of the hill is Skagway, Alaska!!

I was wishing the markers had lights on them so WE could see where the road was!!!

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