Monday, July 27, 2015

July 14, 2015

We got up really early this morning to get to the George Black Ferry early enough (5:00 am) to miss the crowds so we could get all 21 rigs across the Yukon River without the long waits we have heard about. The ferry is the only way to leave Dawson Creek, and continue to the Top of the World Highway. The ferry is free and provided by Dawson City. It will generally take only one RV at a time, along with a few cars. Our group made it across with no miss-
haps, which is always a very good thing.

There was a lot of apprehension about driving the Top of the World Highway, due to road conditions, sharp drop offs, soft shoulders and lack of guard rails. None of us had any problems, in-spite of fog and rain. 

This was a
 This is the story of the Top of the World Highway

Little known time zone
 In our rush to get across the ferry, we didn't take into account that the border doesn't open until 8:00 am. So we had about a 40 minute wait.
 Then we found out that the computers were down, so we waited some more while the agents inside frantically tried to get things up and running before all 21 rigs stacked up on them.
 When the fog and rain finally lifted, we had some great views, and brand new paved roads after we crossed the border. The road lasted about 10 miles, then we were back to dirt. There had been just enough rain though to keep the dust at bay.

 As we got closer to Chicken, AK, the road got narrow, and we had more traffic from the other direction.
 Pretty wild flowers along the road

and a river far below.

Chicken, AK, winter population about 4, summer population about 20

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