Monday, July 20, 2015

The road to Dawson City, Yukon

July 9, 2015

We woke to a strange bright light this morning, I think it is called the sun??? A great day of travel, sunshine with temps in the low 70's. Destination today is Dawson City, Yukon. Still getting smoke from all the fires. So far we have been very lucky, no fires close to us, or on the roads we are traveling. Most of these wildfires have been started by lightening, so our luck could change at any minute. Yesterday we learned of fires in Ft Nelson and a bad one near Watson Lake that is threatening the fiber optic system for the entire Yukon area, including cell phones, WIFI carriers and credit card systems.The
 The view from this overlook was obscured by smoke from some of the surrounding fires. This is the Five Finger rapids area of the Yukon River. During the Gold Rushes, the only way to get the gold out of the Yukon was by river. The rapids here are caused by the five small islands that span the width of the river, just as it starts to bend around that spit of land. The islands cause narrow channels and swift moving rapids that the boats, heavy with gold, had to navigate through. They were not always successful. 

Cones like these are a common site up here, they are a warning that there is a break in the pavement, usually due to frost heaves that have been flattened, for lack of a better  word.

 We make a left here to continue to Dawson City. Mayo and Keno City are small mining towns

Lots of Aspen trees up here, the white bark of the trees gives a strange look to the landscape

The real downside to dirt roads...dust! Inside and out, everything is dusty, dirty and gritty!!

Fireweed is in full bloom every where up here

Someone needs to tell the Moose community that they are really missing out on some really nice feeding areas. Marshy grass, just how they like it, and not a moose in site!!

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