Thursday, July 2, 2015

Liard Hot Springs Campground, BC--Days 12 & 13 of the Caravan

 On the road to Liard Hot Springs Campground, in Liard River. These bump signs are everywhere, sometimes they are very serious, and sometimes not, so we always slow down, just in case.
 We pulled off at this little spot in the road because they had been advertising the last few miles that they had the best Cinnamon Rolls. We also found fuel, so some of our group filled up while we were there. They were warm out of the oven, and huge. Phil and I shared one after we got back on the road, I had to feed it to him while he drove because it was sticky, gooey delicious!!!

 The Stone Mountain Range, where the tree line is obvious!
 This plaque tells the story of the mountain in the following picture. It is very aptly named!!
 You may want to enlarge this picture to see the 'folds' more clearly. It was the strangest mountain we had ever seen!
 Our approach to Muncho Lake, BC. This lake was so still, it was just like glass when we were there. Pictures do not do it justice! It is a beautiful green colored lake, which is caused by the copper in the water, from the run off from the surrounding mountains.
I call this Phil's Ink Blob, but it is actually the perfect reflection of the mountains in the water of Muncho Lake.
Mountain Rains roll in over the mountains.
 At the Liard River Campground, this is the resident Bison. He wandered in late one evening around 9:00 pm, to eat his fill on the grasses around the edges of the campground. He was an older guy, but obviously use to crazy tourists taking his picture, as we were all out there with shutters snapping while he munched away.
Our rig at the Liard Hot Springs Campground

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