Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dawson Creek, Days 7-10 of the Caravan

At last, after all the planning, we arrive in Dawson Creek where Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway begins. We were here for three nights, where we celebrated Dad's day with cake, had a talk from the director of the visitor's center about the history of the building of the highway, and then had a group picture taken at the Mile 0 sign. Do you see us??? Oops, I think we are invisible! The group shot was taken by our caravan photographers, so I don't have a copy of that yet.

The original highway included this hill, which was just north of Dawson Creek, and was quite hazardous. It became dubbed 'Suicide Hill' and a sign was placed at the top of it, 'Prepare to Meet Thy Maker'.

Just before arriving at Dawson Creek, the sun produced some pretty powerful flares and it was reported that we may have a chance to see some of the famous Northern Lights. Phil and I stayed up late for it to get dark enough to have a chance to see them, which finally happened about 1:00 am. We did see some faint green wisps of light, but nothing dramatic like you see in the pictures. It was very disappointing, but given the time of year we are here, the lights are not usually visible at all. Guess I shouldn't complain, uh?

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