Thursday, July 2, 2015

Watson Lake, Yukon--Days 14 & 15 of the Caravan

As we pulled out of the Liard Hot Springs Campground, we came across a few of the local Bison herd grazing along the road. The guy in this car was taking pictures of this big guy as he crossed the road, then got behind the car. From our vantage point, it looked like he was going to push the car down the road...forcefully! The driver finally hit the gas and got away from the Bison, which was about the same size as the car!
 Pretty mangy uh? A little slow at losing his winter coat.
 Mama was walking along, completely ignoring her baby, who kept trying to nurse.
It was a good day for viewing wildlife, this big black bear was one of many we saw along the road.
 The Upper Liard River
Grizzly Bear or Brown Bear?? He was grazing just down the road from a small heard of Bison, don't think either knew about the other.
 We have entered the Yukon at last!

And then, Watson Lake, our destination for the next couple of days

 Downtown RV Park within walking distance of the Northern Lights Center where we watched a film about the Northern Lights.

Across the street from the Northern Lights Center is the famous Sign Forest.

The first SMART Caravan Sign

 Phil puts up the Northern Exposure Caravan Sign, just a couple of posts down from the 1st SMART Caravan sign. It was a proud moment for him, he and our friend, Rick VanNorman designed and made the sign (I painted it)

It's up!! We were going to put the sign up on our way back through Watson Lake in August, but we found out that they only budget so many posts a year, so we decided we had better get it up while there was a place to put it.
 All of us signed the back of the sign

We will check it out when we come back in August to see how it is holding up

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