Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The "Everything" Store

 July 22, 2021

 Phil ask the owner of the park where he should go to get a part,  something for the rig. The owner recommended he go down the road to the “everything” store. So, he did, found what he needed, but it was a bag of 100. Phil asked if they had anything smaller, the girl said no, but ripped open the bag and gave Phil what he needed and charged him $.50!! Phil was so impressed with the store, he came back and got all of us and took us to see it. The store looks like it started as a hardware store, but now carries a little bit of everything, and I do mean everything. Bits and pieces of left-over wire, RV stuff, gardening stuff, groceries (I thought it would be out of date, but it wasn’t). If you were claustrophobic, you wouldn’t last long in there as the isles are close together and piled to the ceiling. The accountant in me shuddered, I couldn’t imagine how the guy managed to inventory anything, much less keep track of it!! But it was interesting to wander through the place. I think that must be age related, doesn’t take much to entertain us any more.

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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...