Thursday, July 11, 2013

Calgary Stampede Parade

Friday, July 5, 2013

Another early day, met the bus at 8:00am to go downtown for the Stampede Parade. Fantasy provided donuts and coffee, which was great because it was cold this morning and there was a cold breeze blowing right up the street.

We had great seats, our own bleachers set up mid parade route, bathrooms in the building right behind us. After all the coffee, the bathrooms became very important. We had pre-parade entertainment, which was nice because the parade didn’t actually start until 10:00am. We had to get the early because of traffic and road closures. But after it finally started it was really nice. Lots and lots of different breeds of horses, from Arabian to Draft to Clydesdales. Even some donkeys and miniature horses, pulling miniature wagons, really cute.  Several drum and bagpipe corps, which I love to hear!! Also had several marching bands, various Canadian marching troops, complete with a huge tank! This parade lasted a little over 2 hours, longest parade I have ever seen!

After the parade, we rode the train back to the camp, ate lunch and had a little rest, then rode the train back down to the Stampede. The grounds are absolutely huge! More rides, more games than I have ever seen at a fair. Although admittedly, it’s been years since I have been to a large fair! Anyway, the four of us walked most of the midway and most of the vendor area and by the end of that, I was about to die! My legs were cramping and my feet were burning. John and Fran weren’t quite ready to come back, so we left them and headed back on our own. By the time we got to the train, it was 5:00pm; rush hour!! The train arrived packed, our lot added to that, but we did manage to get a seat at the next stop. By the time we arrived at our stop, we had to push our way off of the train! But I like this type of mass transit; I wish it was more available in the states!

We made it home just as it started raining and it wasn’t long before we were having another heavy thunderstorm! Lightening flashing and thunder booming, John and Fran arrived in the middle of it, wet, but safe and sound.

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