Monday, July 29, 2013

Portland and Phil's VA Visit

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We got up early this morning to drive into Portland, OR so that Phil could go to the VA Medical Center in Vancouver, WA (just across the river from Portland). He is still experiencing pain in his shoulder and right arm. He got the rig set up quickly, then left. He was unable to get an appointment in advance, so he had to go to the emergency room. There are VA’s in both Portland and Vancouver, we chose Vancouver because it looked like it would be easier for him to get to, and it was! But, they didn’t have an emergency room, so he ended up at the Portland facility anyway. Bummer!! He did get seen by a doctor that he was impressed with and thought was very thorough. The doc thought it was a pinched nerve in the C-7 area, so he had blood work and x-rays done, which pretty much confirmed what he thought. He gave Phil a shot deep into the muscle to relax it, took him off of the Celebrex and substituted something else. So, now we wait and see if this works. He also stopped at a drug store and bought a band to put on his forearm, just below the elbow to help with the pain he has there. He use to get cramps and pain there when he was working, but it had gone away, so he didn’t have his old band with him. The band somehow keeps the muscles from cramping. Fingers Crossed!!

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Port Orford, OR

Port 6/27/2022 Phil and I drove up to Port Orford to have a look around and have lunch. We found the Port Orford Coast Guard Life Station ...