Monday, July 1, 2013

Travel to Edmonton, AB

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today was a travel day. John and Fran have been having problems with one of their breaks on the motor home, so they left before we even got up this morning so they could get to the Freightliner dealer today to have it looked at. The thinking was that if something was wrong, then a part could be ordered and possibly be here before we have to leave next Wednesday. Good news though, nothing wrong with the breaks and only cost them $100.00 to have it looked at.

We left Hinton around 11:00am, only had about a three hour drive to Edmonton, our next stop, so we knew we didn’t need to get out really early. On a side note, our truck has been running much better and we are now getting an average of 10mph, while towing!

We have left the mountains behind and entered the plains area of Canada. Starting to see crops planted and cattle grazing, on gently rolling hills.  Whatever is planted up here is done with a hope and a prayer as the growing season is very short. There has been so much rain here in the last month that there was a fear of the crops being totally washed away. June has been one of the wettest months in recorded history. Calgary is still having problems with excess water, but from what we hear, they are working hard to get it cleaned up and ready for the Stampede. Going to be interesting to say the least!

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