Thursday, July 11, 2013

Heritage Park Historical Village

Monday, July 8, 2013

We had an early bus ride this morning…8:30 departure to the Heritage Park Historical Village. First order of business was breakfast, consisting of scrambled eggs, pancakes and sausage, coffee and juice. It was pretty good too. This was similar to the Fort Steele Historic Park we visited earlier in the trip, but this one had more working artisans, and ranged in years from 1860 through 1920. We had our own tour guide through the main street area, and then rode the Steam Train about half way around the park.

Phil was in a lot of pain after having sat in the stadium seats last night, so he was ready to leave. We did a quick walk through of the gift shop then caught the bus back to the campground. He went straight to bed, but the pain had finally gotten to him. So, I made contact with the wagon master and his assistants and they led me to the clinic they use while here. We got right in and within 20 minutes the doctor came in to see Phil. He determined that Phil has a pinched nerve in the upper part of his back causing both arms to go numb and a pain level off the charts. The doc would have put him in physical therapy, but we are scheduled to leave on Wednesday, so he gave Phil some exercises to do, heat and ice therapy and a script for muscle relaxers. Hopefully this will help. Looks like I’m going to be forced to learn how to drive the truck and trailer, not looking forward to that!

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Port Orford, OR

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