Thursday, July 11, 2013

Edmonton, Travel to Calgary, First day at Calgary

June 29 – July 1, 2013

We all decided that since we were going to be so busy in Calgary that we would just take care of business and mostly just sit around and relax.

Today, the 1st was Canada Day, but since everyone had to go to work tomorrow, the campground emptied out by noon. The campground was suppose to set off fireworks at 11:00pm (not dark until then), but we were playing cards and didn’t even hear them go off…if they did.

Tuesday, July 2…Strange things happening here, we are far to the north, in Edmonton, Alberta for heaven’s sake and we are under a Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watch!! The sky to the north and east of the campground was black, Edmonton really got hammered with heavy rains and hail! Can’t believe this kind of weather has come this far north!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Traveled today, had about 4 hours of driving ahead of us to get to Calgary, so we left the campground a little earlier, we were on the road by 9:00am, surprised even us!

Calgary is just about straight south of Edmonton, and we are now in the plains. Very much like Kansas or Nebraska, gentle rolling hills to the point of almost flat. Lots of cattle and horses, it’s called the Cowboy Valley (according to the map).

Weather is much better today, yesterday before the cold front came through we had a high of 87, today the high was 74. Suppose to be down in the 60’s over the week end with rain. Rodeo in the rain, sounds like fun uh?

We are ‘parked’ at McMahon Stadium, which is the football stadium for the college here in Calgary. So, we have electric and access to water, no sewer for a week and no WIFI. So, the only time I will be able to send updates is if we go to some sort of internet café. This is what I call camping rough!!

Tonight we boarded school buses, that I think were meant for short legged pre-schoolers as there was absolutely NO leg room. We were taken to a place called the Winter Club where we were sworn in as Honorary Calgarians and then served a buffet dinner that was pretty good!

It was around 9:00pm when we returned back home and Phil went straight to bed. He is having problems with the right side of his back, which is sending pain to his arm and hand. He has been taking some of my pain pills, using ice and anything else we can think of, but nothing is helping. It is getting worrisome. I have been trying to get him to go to urgent care, but I think he is afraid of the cost and what they will tell him.  

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