Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kamiah, ID to Walla Walla, WA

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Phil had a really bad night with pain, I woke up with him a couple of times, but we were awake at 7:00, so we got up and got ready to hit the road again. We made it by 9:30, pretty good for us!!

We stopped at the Nez Perce National Park Visitor’s Center and listened to a program given by a Native Nez Perce who is a Ranger at the park. She gave a talk on baby boards,
why they were used, and the significance of bead work on Indian garments.
It was very interesting. After about an hour of wandering through the visitor’s center and museum, we hit the road again.

We crossed into Washington State at Lewiston/Clarkston and continued towards Walla Walla. About 30 miles out of our destination Phil said he was in so much pain that he was having trouble concentrating. So, ready or not, it was my turn to drive. We had a quick sandwich before I took the wheel and I was so nervous, that sandwich sat like a rock in my stomach!! Phil had stopped at a pull off at the base of a mountain grade, so my first order of business was to climb a steep grade. I soon started to relax some though, even though my hands were sweating on the steering wheel. On the funny side, I’m always getting onto Phil about going too fast while pulling the trailer, today it was his turn! The speed limit was 60 and if I got up to 63, he was on my case! The GPS guy doesn’t even shout his warnings until you are 5 miles over the limit. I drove us all the way into the RV Park we are camped at tonight. So, I was pretty proud of myself and Phil even said I did a good job! Then he added that I will just need more practice! The die appears to have been cast, I will have to help with the driving now, no more relaxing in the passenger seat!

Walla Walla is set in the high desert of east Washington, as well indicated by the temperature when we got here, it was 101! We have been here for a couple of hours and it’s still 98 outside.

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