Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stampede Chuck Wagon Races

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Didn’t have anything planned for this morning, so we got to sleep in!! Weather was nice enough early this afternoon that I sat outside for a bit. Finished the frilly scarf I was making for Fran. Now have to get busy with sweater for Grandson, Tucker.

Tonight was Chuck Wagon Races at the Stampede. I had never been to this event before, so the process was interesting to watch. They did eight heats of four wagons per heat. Wagons had to meet a minimum weight, including the driver, they each had two outriders that had to finish within a certain number of yards of the wagon or they were disqualified. One of the outriders had to stand at the back of the wagon with a small barrel, when the horn sounded, he would throw the barrel into the back of the wagon, then mount his horse. These horses were thoroughbreds, so they were a little high strung and the riders changed horses each race. That meant that the rider didn’t know the horse and that caused a few comical instances; the horse would turn in circles and not let the rider mount (one rider was ¾’s of the way behind the rest of the pack in one race because of this), or the horse would insist on going the opposite direction of the one required, causing the rider to lag behind.  Anyway, the wagons were pulled by teams of four horses, also thoroughbreds and also very high strung, with minds of their own! The drivers really had to work to get the horses all going in the same direction at the same time. The track was just wide enough for the four wagons to race down the track side by side, to watch them pass each other at breakneck speeds had us all on the edge of our seats!

During one break in the races a team of Clydesdale’s came out for a few minutes to parade in front of us. Beautiful team!! Six gorgeous matching giants, prancing in step; a sight to see! The carriage they were pulling wasn’t bad either.

After the wagon races came the “Entertainment”. A wide variety of acts, including a group from my generation…KISS! They played one song and I’m sure they were worn out from that, they have to be pushing 70!!  Lots of dancers and acrobatic acts, one guy on piano was brought in via high wires (didn’t catch his name), but he was pretty good.  After the live entertainment came the fireworks and they were spectacular! Always something new and this display was no exception.

We didn’t get out of the Stampede grounds until almost midnight, but got right on the next train, and got seats right away, so that was a lucky break!! It was 1:00am before we got back to camp. Needless to say, we were dragging!!

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