Saturday, July 20, 2013

Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller, AB, Canada

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We spent the day at the Royal Tyrrell Museum. What an experience!
Most all of the recovered bones on display here are from the Dinosaur Park south of Drumheller,
but there are also collections from all over the world brought here for examination by some of the world’s top scientists and paleontologist.  There are several full skeletal Dinosaur’s on display, as well as the same dinosaurs fully dressed and shown in what scientists believe the landscape here looked like at the time these huge animals roamed the earth millions of years ago.

The museum is huge, but laid out in a way that makes since. All you have to do is follow the little dinosaur prints on the floor and you won’t miss a thing! But, just in case, there is also a map of the museum showing where everything is. Not everything is inside, outside you can take the stairs
and go up to the observation area that overlooks the surrounding Badlands, very much like the park where most of the specimens were found. The adventurous can walk out into the Badlands and see for themselves, by following the Interpretive Trail.

This museum is very kid friendly. Some of the exhibits are hands on where touching is encouraged; there is also a playground where you can take them to let off a little steam if they get board looking at bones.
Hungary? Thirsty? There is a cafeteria with a variety of foods and your choice of indoor or outdoor dining.

Canadians are not shy about voicing what they feel strongly about. On the map you will also find a “Visitor Code of Conduct!” I loved this!! Wouldn’t hurt to see some of this ‘plain speaking’ in the states!! There are 10 ‘codes’, but a couple of examples are: ‘Mind your Manners’, no loud or unruly behavior allowed; ‘Would your grandmother wear that?’, family friendly destination, no clothing displaying offensive content; ‘Fluffy just loves dinosaurs’, pets are not allowed except for service animals, and don’t leave them in the car where they will cook with the hot summer temperatures. Some people are really dumb and just have to have it spelled out for them. One thing they left off in the clothing suggestions is that no one is particularly interested in seeing your underware…pull your pants up!!

Interested in learning more about the museum? Check out:

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